Have you ever experienced hitting rock bottom or reaching your “breaking point”? Imagine losing everything and the only treasures you have left are the bare necessities and your child. You have to depend on random people daily for the sake of your livelihood and the safety of your family. Or could you forgive the person who caused trauma all your life resulting in you never knowing your sense of self and your identity?
This is Amber’s reality. Her father is an alcoholic and he served time in prison for murder. At the age of three she saw her father strangle mother. Her mother, a confessed Christian chose to stay in the relationship with Amber’s father while experiencing continual domestic violence and emotional abuse in order to keep her children with their father; prior to fleeing to another state. This is only a fraction of Amber’s story as a twenty-four-year-old single mother of one.
During this conversation, Amber was very open to share how life was for her growing up watching her parents navigate through life challenges.
“When I was growing up my parents had a broken relationship. My father was addicted to alcohol and he was physically and emotionally abusive to my mother. I still remember the day my mom dropped me by accident because my father, while drunk, was trying to force me out of my mom’s arms. I also experienced chronic evictions having to live from house to house with my parents. Unfortunately, I had to mature quickly at a young age. I got my first apartment at eighteen, worked two jobs to make ends meet and my son had open heart surgery at 4 days old.
Due to the inconsistency of not having a stable home all her life, she had never known what safety and stability felt like, until now. With tears streaming down her face Amber shares, “Life Turning Point gave me a sense of stability. I don't have to go anywhere. I have somewhere to lay my head for once.”
In the course of Amber and her son living independently her boyfriend (son’s father) needed a place to stay. This arrangement led to domestic violence when her boyfriend hit her. Amber knew immediately the generational cycle must stop here.
“When he hit me I told him he can have the apartment. I left with our son and lived in my car for a short time until I applied for emergency shelter. After I received temporary housing placement with the Office of Homeless Services in Philadelphia, I went to school to become a phlebotomist and started working at Children's Hospital. During our time there I saw a woman overdose on drugs beside me. We had to be in a room with multiple bunk beds slept in by random men and women. It was very scary. This was my rock bottom but I refuse to continue the generational cycle of abuse!”
Amber’s Christian journey is one many people can relate to. Having a relationship with God through Jesus Christ is life changing once you discover the truth of the Gospel. “Being here has really developed my relationship with the Most High. I realized I was not truly saved. I didn't understand what salvation is. I learned the true meaning of salvation through the classes held here.”
An unexpected opportunity occurred in relation to how her relationship with her parents is presently since she moved on her own. Here is what she had to say. “I am my now father’s caretaker. He is receiving treatment regarding alcohol use and other services. Life has been hard between the both of us but I forgave him. As far as my mom, I don’t think I am there yet, I don’t know why.”
Amber was asked how her participation in the program has been during her six months as a resident.
“My experience here has been nothing but people pouring into me. I got my eyebrows done and I had a bra fitting by the bra lady. I have a licensed psychologist, mental health coach, I received a massage from a professional massage therapist and I have a parenting coach! All of this while I get to save my money! What I also like about this place is that you have no choice but to get better. There is always some kind of personal development going on here. You are held accountable to hold yourself up. I am so grateful.”
This young woman has been through much trauma in her life, unfortunately. However, she remains optimistic holding onto the hope she has in God.
“I'm always thinking who am I? What am I doing with my life? I feel like God is telling me I am revealing who you are. Amber continues, “I am building my identity in Christ. That is my powerful testimony. Nothing else matters. No matter what I've been through. He was always with me and he always will be with me. I am a Child of God.”